For the Love of God
Published on August 16, 2004 By MichaelProteus In Politics

So I wake up, with a steaming cup of joe, and I check my blog site, and voila! I'm being hammered by most everyone who commented on one of my articles. It's not that I'm being slammed, it's just that most of the people slamming me have their facts wrong they end up sounding like someone who's on the who's who of mental illness. Once again let me state for the record that these are SOLEY my opinions, and based on that others are encouraged to comment. It's pretty much a free forum, it can get crazy, and resort to name calling, but that goes with it when politics are involved. For the record, I have not been offended, and I hope that I have not offended anyone...If I have, tough! To be offended by a faceless entity, you shouldn't even be on the computer. Anyways enough of the preamble...lets get to it.

Like I always do when I wake up, I turned on the news...GUESS what? Two more American soldiers died in Iraq. Does anyone care anymore, or have we become so numb to the killing. Do you think that Bush stays up at night taking the responsibility? Well he dosen't, he sleeps soundly knowing his two daughters are safe and sound with their Secret Service Escorts. Why does it always have to be the pauper's children used as pawns in a game of world-wide chess.

Bush claims to be a Christian, but Christianity is a man-made religion and anything man-made has its faults. Does a Christian knowingly send people to their deaths, does a Christian double-talk, does a Christian confer with his team first then God? Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying Bush isn't a Christian, that's not for me to do, but do we see any fruits of the spirit? I would hope that Bush has one guilty bone in his body, and that this "THING" in Iraq comes to an end sometime soon.

In my humble opinion I really do not think that this nation can take too much more of this. Just yesterday I saw on the news that some more soldiers were going to be deployed to Iraq. What's up with that? Did the United States hand over power? Why are we still in Iraq? Is it because Bush is such a darn nice guy? Oh I get it, Bush cares sooooo much for the Iraqi people that the United States is going to squat in Iraq for a little bit longer, how many U.S. troops will die before we pull out of Iraq for good?

Yeah, some of you think this is just the ramblings of a delusional man, or someone who needs some Prozac. I'm telling you people, things are going to get worse and worse...soon the United State won't be able to lie about it anymore...the truth is that the United States is having a HARD TIME in Iraq and the rebel clerics and their followers are giving the United States a run for their money.

No matter how this Iraq thing pans out, no matter what happens, the fact still remains the U.S. soldiers that were killed today along with the other 999, won't be coming back anytime soon, that's over 1000 families devastated...What are our fellow Americans dying for? I doubt that Bush even knows now, it's all about saving face, refusing to admit he made a mistake thinking the people in Iraq would let the Americans walk into their cities, and let them do as they pleased.

Where are the "Weapons of Mass Destruction?". I think that's what the American people are still waiting for...oh that's right there were none! That was the whole premise of going into Iraq, because the evidence now points out that Iraq wasn't involved in the 9/11 hijackings. So much for doing the right thing, regarding the welfare of individual lives, instead of pulling out of Iraq the U.S. is deploying more troops to the area.

As I wrap things up today I want you guys to hug those you love, and feel lucky that your loved ones are still with you, and that they weren't killed in a roadside bomb, or hit by a stray bullet; and lay dying in some foreign land. When you do hug that loved one, remember there are families that can't do that anymore.

The Bush War Machine continues to roll, and the death toll rises.
Comments (Page 4)
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on Aug 20, 2004

I've read your claptrap. I suggest you read my articles, I'll put my political knowledge up against yours any day. Let's see, I'm in Time magazine this week (page 21) due to my political research and...well you're not.But hey, go ahead and insult the guy who lets you have a blog in the first place. Show everyone how intelligent that is..

Well Draginol, you do that. Only a weak minded person would ever say "Go ahead insult the guy who lets you have a blog in the first place." Look, you do what you're going to do. People don't take to threats kindly, I thought you wanted a forum where people can express their views...obviously you want everyone to know that you were in Time (That's up for debate, and alleged at this time), so you're god on this site? Do what you have to do, show us how petty you are, I don't care if you've won the Pulitzer, accolades are one thing, but who you are is another. I've read your pitter patter, and I've got to say their are a lot us who aren't impressed. So mr bigtime, lets see how trivial you are. Excuse me for my lack of decorum, I'm sure you're just a better person all around, maybe you should run for president.
on Aug 22, 2004

Let's look at this again:

I commented on your blog and you responded:

Hey Draginol stick to your tech articles and let the grownups have a discussion. Please read all the comments before you say something rhetorical, oops...too late. By the way, it never hurts to actually have YOUR own thoughts, rather than borrowing one from someone else.

I think the fact that my knowledge on politics led to be me being in Time Magazine *this week* certainly qualifies me to take part in a political discussion.

And yea, I think it's pretty foolish to start insulting the person who owns the site.  That's not a threat. It's just reality. The only reason your nonsense is even read by anyone is because of the promotion this site provides it.

on Aug 23, 2004

I think the fact that my knowledge on politics led to be me being in Time Magazine *this week* certainly qualifies me to take part in a political discussion.And yea, I think it's pretty foolish to start insulting the person who owns the site. That's not a threat. It's just reality. The only reason your nonsense is even read by anyone is because of the promotion this site provides it.

I think that the fact your a moron led you to the fact that even you realize what a stupid comment that was, and now your backtracking trying to justify it. Here, lets gloat somemore...seriously no one really cares about you stating how great you are, except yourself. If you want to take part in a political discussion do it, don't come flying in here like captain save-a-hoe, and run your mouth chump, I could care less that you run this, or if Jimmy Dean ran it. Not you or anyone else is going to bully me on my own blog, if you don't like it screw you. Your promotion? You make sure to post everyone who kisses your Republican ass, take your head out of your ass and grow up. You of all people should let others express their opinions, from now on I'm going to be a pain in that large pompous ass of you hear me? You really should get to know some of the people you threaten, before you do. If you want to black ball me, cool, I just want to state this for the record....I think your a dickless wonder.
on Aug 23, 2004
Wow Michael..
You really said a whole lot about what kind of person you are in that last post. Bravo.

Any chance of adding an 'Ignore' button to this forum so Michaels posts can be avoided by those who don't want to read his mindless blather?
on Aug 23, 2004
I've read your claptrap. I suggest you read my articles, I'll put my political knowledge up against yours any day. Let's see, I'm in Time magazine this week (page 21) due to my political research and...well you're not.

and then:


I think the fact that my knowledge on politics led to be me being in Time Magazine *this week* certainly qualifies me to take part in a political discussion.And yea, I think it's pretty foolish to start insulting the person who owns the site. That's not a threat. It's just reality. The only reason your nonsense is even read by anyone is because of the promotion this site provides it.

I think that the fact your a moron led you to the fact that even you realize what a stupid comment that was, and now your backtracking trying to justify it. Here, lets gloat somemore...seriously no one really cares about you stating how great you are, except yourself. If you want to take part in a political discussion do it, don't come flying in here like captain save-a-hoe, and run your mouth chump, I could care less that you run this, or if Jimmy Dean ran it. Not you or anyone else is going to bully me on my own blog, if you don't like it screw you. Your promotion? You make sure to post everyone who kisses your Republican ass, take your head out of your ass and grow up. You of all people should let others express their opinions, from now on I'm going to be a pain in that large pompous ass of you hear me? You really should get to know some of the people you threaten, before you do. If you want to black ball me, cool, I just want to state this for the record....I think your a dickless wonder.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! That might be the funniest stuff I've read all week! Who would want to ignore this kind of stuff? Pure Gold, Baby!!!!

on Aug 23, 2004
Not an issue, for now, anyway. Mr. Mike seems to have found himself at "visitor" status. Call the owner of the site a moron, and what do you get? A tad less than you deserve.
on Aug 23, 2004
To The blithering Idiot(Draginol):

If I've offended anyone soooooo what, I really don't care. If I get kicked out, wow, what will I ever do? Gee maybe I'll go somewhere else. I see that common sense and free thinking are discouraged here, it's about the status quo. Well FUCK YOU, all of you. Actually I just mean't this post for Draginol...cause he's some kind of god. Here's a hint....don't leave your picture out, or give relevent info to those who you don't want to have it. So far you've lied about being in time, you've lied about how political savvy you are....what else have you lied about? Probably everything else.
on Aug 23, 2004
Mmm, posts like #52 just scream "intellectual superiority", don't they...

Obviously MP thinks he can ride the short bus home and prove to everyone he is really smart by calling them stupid. *golf clap*.
on Aug 23, 2004
"Then don't comment on my blogs...simple as that. One more thing, I would never curse to make a point."

--Michael Proteus, "it's the end of the world as we know it"

Vindicated . . .
on Aug 23, 2004

So let me get this straight, you sure all showed me huh? Pat yourselves on the back. Now Texas Wahine is using my own catch're soo sad, but remember I don't take any of this personally...but apparently there are others that do. Just ignore me, can you people do that? Didn't think so.

"Then don't comment on my blogs...simple as that. One more thing, I would never curse to make a point." --Michael Proteus, "it's the end of the world as we know it"Vindicated . . .

I must of really ruffled your feathers Texas whiner, the only thing you're vindicated in is that your stupidity is allowed in this country. Climb back into that hole of yours and shut up. I know, your still stung by those remarks that made you look like a beached whale sucking dry air as you were thinking for a snappy comeback. Get a life and get off my blog...I don't see the reasoning...if you dislike me so much why put time in dealing with me. Well I just wanted Draginol to get the point. Once again, he's played favorites: And that's his right, he's god here, and ONLY here. It's easy to gang up on someone, but no one has got the courage to do it one on one, that says a lot about the people you are. I feel bad for you guys if anything.

Mmm, posts like #52 just scream "intellectual superiority", don't they...Obviously MP thinks he can ride the short bus home and prove to everyone he is really smart by calling them stupid. *golf clap

BakerStreet, you've been trying to get my attention for so long now, I think you've got a crush on me. Look Bird-brain, at least with Draginol I can count on a little levity, with you it's like you're their cheerleader, why not get a skirt and some pom-poms while you're at it. Geez guy, didn't your parents give you enough attention? Be like the wind and blow away-far away.

Wow Michael..You really said a whole lot about what kind of person you are in that last post. Bravo.Draginol,Any chance of adding an 'Ignore' button to this forum so Michaels posts can be avoided by those who don't want to read his mindless blather

No Tyveil no chance of that, because what you're asking for would be going against what you babies have been crying about all along....FREEDOM of speech. Suck up some more why don't you...are you sure you're not washing all cars belonging to all Republicans on the weekends. I mean listen to you, hamming it mindless blather huh? It sure has been getting a lot of comments for being mindless....not only are you stupid, but you contradict yourself too.

on Aug 23, 2004

I am on your side mate - I generally agree with every single one of your sentiments - however, if i have learnt one thing about getting an argument heeded over time, in my dealings with Draginol and Baker - we dont have to necessarily respect their opinions, but we have to respect where they are coming from...

I really, really like you stuff, you fight the good fight, and I hate to see these guys discredit you, but you make it so easy for them... just stick to your arguments and dont let what these guys say swing you from your admirable stance.

on Aug 23, 2004
And he didn't even punctuate your sic correctly when he was being insulting again.
"you're" LMAO!
I really think it is a poli-sci student at Berkeley trying to stir the pot. MP are you in school?
You said you were uneducated but Mr I don't curse on my Blog, who blacklisted texas wahine
for calling you an A-hole. i think I would rather be called an A-hole than a "Dickless wonder".
Oh, that's right, my wife does call me an A-hole!
on Aug 23, 2004
Dear Mr. Thinks He Knows Everything:

You don't know me. You don't know anything about my political beliefs, about my dreams, about my aspirations, or about the quality of person I am.

For all you know I agree with your sentiments; I have never claimed agreement or disagreement. The problem is, you can not engage in a civil debate without resorting to hate, slander, and insults. I did not even begin to discuss the content of your blogs with you because of your attitude.

I have followed your blogs with interest because I find it humorous to watch how quickly you alienate yourself from your fellow bloggers with your acid tongue. It's interesting to see how such a condescending person has come full circle to engaging the exact activity that he berated me for.

As to your statement about courage to take you on "one on one" - how would you suggest we do that? Did you want to have a fist fight with a woman or go to blows with the owner of the site? If you want a "one on one" environment, try talking to a flesh and blood person - blogging is a community forum.

You're not going to change the world. You're not a martyr for your views. What you are is a person with strong opinions who is inept at sharing them with others.
on Aug 23, 2004
Texas Wahine,

You don't know me. You don't know anything about my political beliefs, about my dreams, about my aspirations, or about the quality of person I am. For all you know I agree with your sentiments; I have never claimed agreement or disagreement. The problem is, you can not engage in a civil debate without resorting to hate, slander, and insults. I did not even begin to discuss the content of your blogs with you because of your attitude. I have followed your blogs with interest because I find it humorous to watch how quickly you alienate yourself from your fellow bloggers with your acid tongue. It's interesting to see how such a condescending person has come full circle to engaging the exact activity that he berated me for. As to your statement about courage to take you on "one on one" - how would you suggest we do that? Did you want to have a fist fight with a woman or go to blows with the owner of the site? If you want a "one on one" environment, try talking to a flesh and blood person - blogging is a community forum. You're not going to change the world. You're not a martyr for your views. What you are is a person with strong opinions who is inept at sharing them with others.

You know something I really never did care whether you were anti-Bush, anti-Kerry, anti-Carebears, anti-Atkins diet, or antisocial. You make me out to be a hate monger, look into my blogs...look where the attacks have been, there is the action---then reaction. I think it's pretty funny that you let people like myself get under your skin. "My Acid tongue?", honey you've not seen anything yet. But I do thank you for the compliment. How I would suggest we go one on one-- You got something to say to me....then you say it, not shoving your views down one's throat, then when they retort, calling them an asshole. Thought you had some sense, and I say that loosely. I have changed my little part of the world, and by you telling me what I'm not going to do isn't going to do anything except maybe help you sleep better at night. Me inept? Girlie, I never said I was perfect. I will tell you this, everyone has a right to their opinions...but when you come on my blog, leave idle bantering at the door. That may work with the ferret faced suck ups here, but take that garbage somewhere else. If you've checked out other peoples blog, I mostly read what they have to offer and keep my two cents worth to myself, because I usually disagree with them. How long has this debate about me and my Machavillian views been going on? Do we all have the Superman complex? I hate to admit it, but you also are a liar, I haven't slandered anyone, look it up in the dictionary; nor do I hate anyone. You think because you get those feathers ruffled and someone has a different opinion--and you've stated some let's just say some ludicris remarks, that it must be hate. No, life is too short to hate anything, the only person I could ever possibly hate would be myself, because the only thing we can control is ourselves, by the way I don't hate myself. So next time you open your big fat trap, remember not everyone lives on the internet, some of us have real lives, jobs, relationships, not saying you have none of those, but there are some who don't. Seriously, I'm a faceless entity who should not make you upset, but should have you thinking.
on Aug 23, 2004
SSG Geezer,

And he didn't even punctuate your sic correctly when he was being insulting again."you're" LMAO!I really think it is a poli-sci student at Berkeley trying to stir the pot. MP are you in school?You said you were uneducated but Mr I don't curse on my Blog, who blacklisted texas wahinefor calling you an A-hole. i think I would rather be called an A-hole than a "Dickless wonder".Oh, that's right, my wife does call me an A-hole!

Now we come to you. You know I really don't know why you even comment, you say the same thing over and over. Yes, I know people with different opinions are insulting to the great war hero (bla,bla,bla,bla). I blacklisted Texas Wahine, now my blog looks like Wrestle Mania, that's not what I wanted it to be. Who cares if I'm uneducated or not? Does it matter? What bearing does that play on your life? I'll blacklist Texas Wahine again if I choose. I could care less if your wife beats you up with your own pea-coat and a packet of left over MRE's. Listen, say what you will. By the way I've got a picture of what's his name again....oh yea Franks, and I'm burning it as I type this...Just kidding, but listen what difference does one voice make? Obviously a lot, from the number of comments being posted. By not replying you shut people like me down, no coverage, no platform, no voice for me. You've got it all figured out huh? Not, you can't even see when someone is using you. You guys give me the voice I need, by replying, I know you're not that stupid, or are you?
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