For the Love of God
Published on August 16, 2004 By MichaelProteus In Politics

So I wake up, with a steaming cup of joe, and I check my blog site, and voila! I'm being hammered by most everyone who commented on one of my articles. It's not that I'm being slammed, it's just that most of the people slamming me have their facts wrong they end up sounding like someone who's on the who's who of mental illness. Once again let me state for the record that these are SOLEY my opinions, and based on that others are encouraged to comment. It's pretty much a free forum, it can get crazy, and resort to name calling, but that goes with it when politics are involved. For the record, I have not been offended, and I hope that I have not offended anyone...If I have, tough! To be offended by a faceless entity, you shouldn't even be on the computer. Anyways enough of the preamble...lets get to it.

Like I always do when I wake up, I turned on the news...GUESS what? Two more American soldiers died in Iraq. Does anyone care anymore, or have we become so numb to the killing. Do you think that Bush stays up at night taking the responsibility? Well he dosen't, he sleeps soundly knowing his two daughters are safe and sound with their Secret Service Escorts. Why does it always have to be the pauper's children used as pawns in a game of world-wide chess.

Bush claims to be a Christian, but Christianity is a man-made religion and anything man-made has its faults. Does a Christian knowingly send people to their deaths, does a Christian double-talk, does a Christian confer with his team first then God? Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying Bush isn't a Christian, that's not for me to do, but do we see any fruits of the spirit? I would hope that Bush has one guilty bone in his body, and that this "THING" in Iraq comes to an end sometime soon.

In my humble opinion I really do not think that this nation can take too much more of this. Just yesterday I saw on the news that some more soldiers were going to be deployed to Iraq. What's up with that? Did the United States hand over power? Why are we still in Iraq? Is it because Bush is such a darn nice guy? Oh I get it, Bush cares sooooo much for the Iraqi people that the United States is going to squat in Iraq for a little bit longer, how many U.S. troops will die before we pull out of Iraq for good?

Yeah, some of you think this is just the ramblings of a delusional man, or someone who needs some Prozac. I'm telling you people, things are going to get worse and worse...soon the United State won't be able to lie about it anymore...the truth is that the United States is having a HARD TIME in Iraq and the rebel clerics and their followers are giving the United States a run for their money.

No matter how this Iraq thing pans out, no matter what happens, the fact still remains the U.S. soldiers that were killed today along with the other 999, won't be coming back anytime soon, that's over 1000 families devastated...What are our fellow Americans dying for? I doubt that Bush even knows now, it's all about saving face, refusing to admit he made a mistake thinking the people in Iraq would let the Americans walk into their cities, and let them do as they pleased.

Where are the "Weapons of Mass Destruction?". I think that's what the American people are still waiting for...oh that's right there were none! That was the whole premise of going into Iraq, because the evidence now points out that Iraq wasn't involved in the 9/11 hijackings. So much for doing the right thing, regarding the welfare of individual lives, instead of pulling out of Iraq the U.S. is deploying more troops to the area.

As I wrap things up today I want you guys to hug those you love, and feel lucky that your loved ones are still with you, and that they weren't killed in a roadside bomb, or hit by a stray bullet; and lay dying in some foreign land. When you do hug that loved one, remember there are families that can't do that anymore.

The Bush War Machine continues to roll, and the death toll rises.
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on Aug 17, 2004
Interesting arguments. Right now a friend of mine is in Kuwait, ready to go into Iraq. IN his first two nights, his unit had to move three times due to attacks.

Anyway, I thought I'd just say some points.

1) The war was based an a false pretense.

2) In 2000, the administration said Sadam had no weapons, and was not a threat. In 2003, they reversed that stance. Talk about a flip-flop.

3) The rest of the world and Hans Blix and the UN inspectors kept telling the Bush administration to wait, to make sure that Sadam had weapons. Had Bush waited, he would have saved billions of dollars, and thousands of US and Iraqi lives.

4) Dick Clark kept telling the administration that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. He was right, but the administration refused to listen. He also stated that the Bush team wanted justification to go to war with Iraq as soon as they entered office.

5) Finally, I'd like to make an analogy. In court, prosecturs first gather evidence, and from that evidence they make a case. Unfortunately, the administration did this backwards. They had a case, then had to find evidence to fit that case. Unfortunately, that evidence included missinformation, lies, and deception. And for that, 1,000 Americans and countless thousands of Iraqis are dead.
on Aug 17, 2004
2) In 2000, the administration said Sadam had no weapons, and was not a threat. In 2003, they reversed that stance. Talk about a flip-flop.

Please forward a refence for this opionon, because even Bill Clinton stated Saddam had the weapons and still does today. The last time I checked he was the administration in 2000.

3) The rest of the world and Hans Blix and the UN inspectors kept telling the Bush administration to wait, to make sure that Sadam had weapons. Had Bush waited, he would have saved billions of dollars, and thousands of US and Iraqi lives.

Do you accualy think Sadam if given another two months would have produced anymore evidence about WMD disposel that he had admitted to having after the last war? Not only have we not found WMD, but neither have we found evidence that he ever destroyed them. One does not simply destroy WMD without any records and if he did destroy them then why didn't he just ask the inspectors to observe? I know the next thing out of your mouth will be "Well we removed the inspectors". WRONG. check your news papers budy Saddam threw them out himself. Look how long it took to find out was happened to Jimmy Hoffa, and those guys didn't have a whole country under their fingers.

4) Dick Clark kept telling the administration that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. He was right, but the administration refused to listen.

This is the same guy who sat as the Anti-terrorism Czar for over eight years and failed to stop any of the attacks. The one that he says he did was accualy stopped by a boarder guard that Miss Reno says was just good work by the guard on duty.
on Aug 17, 2004

Certainly not the people of America...
on Aug 17, 2004
Madine & Madine

We tried isolationism one time in the 1920s-30s. Look what it gave use over, 16 million dead in Europe alone.

"Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it." General Sherman
on Aug 17, 2004
Again with the unsupported facts.
1. General Tommy Franks was "made by this phony war".
Wrong as anyone who has ever served with Gen Franks knows, He is a success because of who and what he is. Thos of us who have met him would probably be inclined to deck you for making him out to be a political leech like wesley Clarke.
2. His best selling book and a cush job as an adviser;
Where and for whom? Cites please. Read the book and you might find out it is interesting and an enjoyable read.

I also loved the fact that we intervened in yugoslavia but too late. well, which do you prefer? non-intervention like Slick Willie in Rwanda,
or too late like Slick Willie in Yugo?
Or is it too scary to think that it may have been the right time to go to Iraq, WMD or not. (Which were found by the poles.)
on Aug 17, 2004

I think 5,000 dead Kurds is proof, or was that just a mass suicide? Anyways after the first war, Iraq turned over documentations showing tons to chemicals. The UN inspectors never received evidence that he destroyed all the chemicals he did admit to, let alone all that he didn't admit to. So where are they? Remember how long it took for us to find out what happened to Jimmy Hoffa

Ahem...Just when I thought this was going to be a quiet night....
Right, once again you state let's just now you're even agreeing that IF, and that's a big if...if there were weapons of WMD it would take the U.S. "A long time" to find them, because our government can't even find a body. Bravo, now you're getting the picture. Unfortunately, though chemical weapons are not considered WMD, unless they are put on an ICBM (Intercontinental Balistic Misseil *Forgive the spelling*). Come on, this whole thing was a sham...the U.S. just needed an excuse to go into Iraq.

Hummmm? Call the cops? Ooohhh you mean the UN. If we had to wait for them then Saddam would still be there and the UN would still be getting kick backs in the Oil for Food program.

That's the last thing I would call the U.N., who cares if Saddam Hussein was still in power? How would that have affected YOU right NOW? It wouldn't have. I understand that something had to be done with Saddam, don't you think after a while, his own people would have gotten tired of his bull...maybe not now, but maybe later. I know you're going to skewer me for these comments but still, Saddam has never attacked U.S. soil. That's not to say he may not have tried later. I understand what you are trying to say, but there is no clear answer. I know that over 1000 American deaths is not one of the answers.

So your saying (using my poor taste of a metaphor) that if you called the cops 14 times and they warned the guy next door to stop beating your dog and he still continues (while giving you the bird) you would do nothing? Boy, next he will start beating your wife too.

First off, my dog would have tore this guy to shreds already. Some people call this a domestic problem, but if the police were like the U.N., guess what I'd handle it on my own. That's what I think eventually would have happened, the Iraqi citizens would have put an end to it sooner or later.

All records show that he was payed for attending drill. Do you exspect your school from 30 years ago to keep hand writen records of your attendence? Can you tell me every persons name and if they attended every class you were in your senior year? The longest document maintained in a unit is their 201 file, pay (LES Leave and Earning Statements) and medical exams that shows he was there. Everything else is destroyed after two years. Next time it is required to have a person show up for drill and get a photo with the latest newspaper tell me and I'll get my readness NCO to buy a stack each month, then maintain them for 40 years.

Uhh...he never showed up, and you can look that up in the New York Post archive. He was AWOL. See lets just muddy the water and soon the truth becomes so blurred, no one knows what they're talking about. Look this is the president, there are people who said he never showed up, you don't need records...but he still got paid, some government...Gee Bush Sr, had nothing to do with that huh? Just like the DWI Bush Jr got, but hey it's been expunged, who could do that...let's see could it be a governor?

And if you want to throw mud, just ask John Kerry to show his COMPLETE medical records. It just strange that the military gave his campaign all his records and he will not release documentation on two of the three visites that got him his Purple Heartes. At least Bush has releast his

At least Kerry was in ACTION, that is more than I can say for BUSH. And Kerry being young and stupid threw his medals away, gee a man who dosen't agree with the military, oh no...Hey I'm not too fond of Kerry, but at least he went overseas and followed orders, and didn't let his father wipe his nose up till he was 30.

quote]OK, you do. Thats your vote. If you and your buddies get together and vote out Bush then reactivate me for some other mission then I'm the guy that will stand behind your choices.

See, I'm not Bush, nor would I ever send anyone to their deaths in vain over something called Political Ambition.

Though you like to use the word "VOLUNTEER" as a bad thing. Its a commiment that I was willing to take. Would you have the same conviction if it was Kerry in office? By what I read, I think not. And if you think that Kerry is Anti-War, you didn't hear his speach at the national convention. It was one of the only platforms that he did state. (Yes, I watched that too).

Yeah, Yeah...yes we know you would jump off a bridge if you were ordered to, you're a good little soldier. Please read my other comments regarding Kerry.

Also one last thing; A bill was placed in cangress earlier this year reinstating the draft. It was just interesting to know that all three members that submitted it had a "D" next to their name. So now the Democratic party was to force people to die for whoever in office.

Right, but it really dosen't matter now, Bush got the blood-bath not blame the democrats who want to finish what Bush cannot handle. There are only so many troops to go around, you can thank Bush for starting this thing in Iraq. Did it ever occur to you that I may not be Republican or Democrat? And no the Democrats aren't forcing anyone to die...Bush beat them to it, I mean Bush Sr.

on Aug 17, 2004

The only thing that gives me heartburn is reading your diatribe, basically a litany of nothing. Of course they're going to argue Bush was never AWOL, what is he supposed to do, admit it? I think you don't like Mr. Moore because he's been able to expose some of the things the government would like to push under the rug. Whether I get my truths from Michael Moore is my business, but isn't that like getting your truths from the government then, if all of us are lying?
on Aug 17, 2004
SSG Geezer,

1. General Tommy Franks was "made by this phony war".Wrong as anyone who has ever served with Gen Franks knows, He is a success because of who and what he is. Thos of us who have met him would probably be inclined to deck you for making him out to be a political leech like wesley Clarke

Those of us who know people who died under this man, would probably want to deck you and him. Success for who he is? He's Bush's little pawn...What's he doing with the money from his book? Is he sending it to the families that have lost loved ones in Iraq, oh yea the 100$ extra a month in hazard pay they got before they died was enough. Look in the mirror, if you should be hitting anyone it should be yourself, for getting conned, I'd bet you never even met the man.

His best selling book and a cush job as an adviser; Where and for whom? Cites please. Read the book and you might find out it is interesting and an enjoyable read.

Really you didn't hear, but seeing your such good friends with the man maybe you should ask him yourself. He's given speeches at Yale, Dartmouth, etc. But being good buddies with him you already know that.

Or is it too scary to think that it may have been the right time to go to Iraq, WMD or not. (Which were found by the poles.)

Please cite. Okay lets justify somemore shall we? It was not the right time, when is it right to lose American troops, when the American people were in no danger. Hell, the American people are in more danger from Phillip Morris, The Coors company, Jack in the Box...etc. Sorry, NO WMD WERE FOUND BY THE POLES.

on Aug 17, 2004
Yes they were, and Chemical weapons, even in a mortar are considered WMDs. The poles did find a number but it recieved little play.
If you listen to Gen Franks you will see he is very literate, unlike GW, so speaking gigs are not a "bad" thing.
has he joined the board of LTV Vought or a major defense contractor yet? If so I will be dissappointed in his judgement.
Read the book and you might find a sincere man who felt it every time a servicemember lost their life in OEF and OIF.
Why are you so bitter towards anyone in the military? AS an enlisted man I see a lot of things in the officers corps
that makes me angry or disgusted. Tommy franks is one who does not do either. He treats everyone he meets with respect,
whether a janitor, senator, or King. That is why he is able to lead.
On the chemical thing:
Spend some time in MOPP 4 and tell me you don't hate the idea of Chemical and BIO warfare agents. They are terror weapons
and if deployed against civilians it would not be pretty. Remember Americans love recriminations.
I did not say I was his "Buddy" just knew him in Second Infantry Division when my platoon supplied his Crew. he was a pleasant guy to everyone but didn't take a line of B.S. He's an admirable guy even if you personally hate him.
on Aug 17, 2004
Reply #22 By: MichaelProteus - 8/17/2004 9:13:59 PM

The only thing that gives me heartburn is reading your diatribe, basically a litany of nothing. Of course they're going to argue Bush was never AWOL, what is he supposed to do, admit it? I think you don't like Mr. Moore because he's been able to expose some of the things the government would like to push under the rug. Whether I get my truths from Michael Moore is my business, but isn't that like getting your truths from the government then, if all of us are lying?

I don't like Michael Moore because he has proven time and again that he will edit the truth so it fits his hypothesis, even if the facts don't support it.

He is in the business of entertainment, and he wants to earn money. If he can do it by inflaming the left at the same time, it's very convenient for him, but not a necessity since he has made enough of a name for himself that he earns money on name alone.

Moore is at his best at his local Golden Corral or Old Country Buffet line. Personally I hope he winds up clogging all of his arteries and living off public assistance after his destined massive heart attack.

I'd ask you to explain your comments about lying and facts, but I'm fairly sure it wouldn't make sense. You're upset that Bush isn't quite the deserter you thought he was all while Kerry is being attacked for being a hot-dogging medal chasing Vietnam vet that has tried to run his election based almost entirely on his record as a hero that was so proud of his medals that he threw them (or some likeness to them) away.
on Aug 17, 2004
Unfortunately, though chemical weapons are not considered WMD, unless they are put on an ICBM (Intercontinental Balistic Misseil *Forgive the spelling*). Come on, this whole thing was a sham...the U.S. just needed an excuse to go into Iraq.

So a shipping container full of mustard gas set to explode in the morning down wind of LA harbor would not be considered Mass Destructions? You don't need an ICBM to deliver it. The recent anthrax attacks have shown us that.

That's what I think eventually would have happened, the Iraqi citizens would have put an end to it sooner or later.

They tried it multiple times and got massacred. Some time, especially in modern times, people can't rise up by themselves. The Austria, Hungary revolts to the 1950s was a good example.

Some people call this a domestic problem, but if the police were like the U.N., guess what I'd handle it on my own.

Aaah, now you get my point.

At least Kerry was in ACTION

My uncle fought from D-day to the battle of the Bulge. So by what you’re saying he is qualified to be President. Personally I would not leave him in charge of mowing my lawn. I just don't want to bring this up. The only battle Clinton ever fought in was who could elbow onto the plane to England first before he received a draft notice.

but at least he went overseas and followed orders, and didn't let his father wipe his nose up till he was 30.

I am sure that if his unit was activated he would have been there too. But I am not one to criticize a person just because his unit didn't go.

Yeah, Yeah...yes we know you would jump off a bridge if you were ordered to, you're a good little soldier.

Just remember it is this good little soldier and many in the past that lets you sleep safely in your bed at night and defend the freedom for you to state your opinion.

on Aug 18, 2004
I think that all of the actions I mentioned in my previous post were justified. I am certainly not an isolationist.

I posed those questions because I was interested in seeing what criteria Michael used to decide whether foreign intervention was justified.
on Aug 18, 2004
Sorry Madine, I did not mean to insult you and it was misdirected by accident.

Reply #19 By: Lee1776 - 8/17/2004 8:44:59 PM

I hearby redirect my above coment to Michael.
on Aug 19, 2004

He is in the business of entertainment, and he wants to earn money

So what you're saying he would be great as head of state.

I'd ask you to explain your comments about lying and facts, but I'm fairly sure it wouldn't make sense. You're upset that Bush isn't quite the deserter you thought he was all while Kerry is being attacked for being a hot-dogging medal chasing Vietnam vet that has tried to run his election based almost entirely on his record as a hero that was so proud of his medals that he threw them (or some likeness to them) away

Okay I will explain my comments about lying and facts: Our government lies to us everyday, about how the situation in Iraq is really going...and about the fact that more troops are poised to move into there. Our military say they have a grip on things, then why did the rebel clerics walk of the negotiations? I'll say this...this election will come down to the lesser of two evils, at least I know what to expect from one of the possible winners. If I don't make any sense why even bother commenting?
on Aug 19, 2004
SSG Geezer,

Why are you so bitter towards anyone in the military?

I'm not, just upset at the government, because there are Americans dying.
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