For the Love of God
Published on August 16, 2004 By MichaelProteus In Politics

So I wake up, with a steaming cup of joe, and I check my blog site, and voila! I'm being hammered by most everyone who commented on one of my articles. It's not that I'm being slammed, it's just that most of the people slamming me have their facts wrong they end up sounding like someone who's on the who's who of mental illness. Once again let me state for the record that these are SOLEY my opinions, and based on that others are encouraged to comment. It's pretty much a free forum, it can get crazy, and resort to name calling, but that goes with it when politics are involved. For the record, I have not been offended, and I hope that I have not offended anyone...If I have, tough! To be offended by a faceless entity, you shouldn't even be on the computer. Anyways enough of the preamble...lets get to it.

Like I always do when I wake up, I turned on the news...GUESS what? Two more American soldiers died in Iraq. Does anyone care anymore, or have we become so numb to the killing. Do you think that Bush stays up at night taking the responsibility? Well he dosen't, he sleeps soundly knowing his two daughters are safe and sound with their Secret Service Escorts. Why does it always have to be the pauper's children used as pawns in a game of world-wide chess.

Bush claims to be a Christian, but Christianity is a man-made religion and anything man-made has its faults. Does a Christian knowingly send people to their deaths, does a Christian double-talk, does a Christian confer with his team first then God? Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying Bush isn't a Christian, that's not for me to do, but do we see any fruits of the spirit? I would hope that Bush has one guilty bone in his body, and that this "THING" in Iraq comes to an end sometime soon.

In my humble opinion I really do not think that this nation can take too much more of this. Just yesterday I saw on the news that some more soldiers were going to be deployed to Iraq. What's up with that? Did the United States hand over power? Why are we still in Iraq? Is it because Bush is such a darn nice guy? Oh I get it, Bush cares sooooo much for the Iraqi people that the United States is going to squat in Iraq for a little bit longer, how many U.S. troops will die before we pull out of Iraq for good?

Yeah, some of you think this is just the ramblings of a delusional man, or someone who needs some Prozac. I'm telling you people, things are going to get worse and worse...soon the United State won't be able to lie about it anymore...the truth is that the United States is having a HARD TIME in Iraq and the rebel clerics and their followers are giving the United States a run for their money.

No matter how this Iraq thing pans out, no matter what happens, the fact still remains the U.S. soldiers that were killed today along with the other 999, won't be coming back anytime soon, that's over 1000 families devastated...What are our fellow Americans dying for? I doubt that Bush even knows now, it's all about saving face, refusing to admit he made a mistake thinking the people in Iraq would let the Americans walk into their cities, and let them do as they pleased.

Where are the "Weapons of Mass Destruction?". I think that's what the American people are still waiting for...oh that's right there were none! That was the whole premise of going into Iraq, because the evidence now points out that Iraq wasn't involved in the 9/11 hijackings. So much for doing the right thing, regarding the welfare of individual lives, instead of pulling out of Iraq the U.S. is deploying more troops to the area.

As I wrap things up today I want you guys to hug those you love, and feel lucky that your loved ones are still with you, and that they weren't killed in a roadside bomb, or hit by a stray bullet; and lay dying in some foreign land. When you do hug that loved one, remember there are families that can't do that anymore.

The Bush War Machine continues to roll, and the death toll rises.
Comments (Page 3)
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on Aug 19, 2004

The recent anthrax attacks have shown us that

Yeah and evidence points to Americans sending it, not someone from the Middle East. Remember here in America you're innocent until proven guilty.

They tried it multiple times and got massacred. Some time, especially in modern times, people can't rise up by themselves. The Austria, Hungary revolts to the 1950s was a good example.

So was the American revolution. Any other examples?

Just remember it is this good little soldier and many in the past that lets you sleep safely in your bed at night and defend the freedom for you to state your opinion. I guess i'm just some hippie, who's ungrateful? I really don't want to get into your great accomplishments...right now my father and two cousins are in Iraq okay? Like I said before, my family has been in all the major conflicts...I'll thank them and you, don't throw it in my's unbecoming of a soldier.
on Aug 19, 2004
They tried it multiple times and got massacred. Some time, especially in modern times, people can't rise up by themselves. The Austria, Hungary revolts to the 1950s was a good example.

So was the American revolution. Any other examples?

I noted "Modern", during the American revolution anybody could go to the local market and buy a flintlock rifle. But today you just can't buy a M-1 tank, T-72 tank, Heavy Artilary, or MIG on the open market with out the help of another country. The Afgans against the USSR and Vet Cong would not have won without the assistance of other countries.

Sorry if I sounded a little rudd in my last post, but your "yeah, yeah.. little soldier talk didn't sound to polite either. I have came accross more then one person on this forum who has be-littled my military service.

Tell your dad keep his head down and wear that armor that most of Congress bought him.
on Aug 19, 2004

So was the American revolution. Any other examples?

The American revolution was not exactly "modern times". Revolts are pretty rare.  The last successful revolt I can recall was the Iranian revolution which wasn't exactly an improvement.

Saddam had Iraq locked into a fascist police state. I have not quite figured out why the left, which seemed okay with bombing Serbia from 30,000 feet in the air in the late 90s, somehow felt that Saddam was okay to keep around in a post 9/11 world.  Sure, Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11, who cares? Very very bad guys in terrorist central can't be tolerated any more. In case you forgot, we were attacked.  We're at war.

Thankfully, we have brave VOLUNTEERS who are willing to put their lives on the line so that people like you (and me) can sit idly by and nitpick foreign policy decisions.

on Aug 20, 2004
I must agree that the attack on Iraq was needless. Further, we put the Iraqi regime of Saddam in power in 1963. This has happened too many times. Afghanastan (bin laden). Iraq. North Korea.
on Aug 20, 2004

I noted "Modern", during the American revolution anybody could go to the local market and buy a flintlock rifle. But today you just can't buy a M-1 tank, T-72 tank, Heavy Artilary, or MIG on the open market with out the help of another country. The Afgans against the USSR and Vet Cong would not have won without the assistance of other countries.

Semantics, it was modern at that time. And the comment about the help from other countries....well I went through that already, one year the U.S. helps out, the next; that same country is fighting us with our own weapons and training. The Vietnam war was fought on three fronts, the U.S. soldiers against the VC, The red Chinese against our own black ops CIA strike force, and a political war with our government fighting with the Soviet Union...there is much more than just the outside picture.

Sorry if I sounded a little rudd in my last post, but your "yeah, yeah.. little soldier talk didn't sound to polite either. I have came accross more then one person on this forum who has be-littled my military service.Tell your dad keep his head down and wear that armor that most of Congress bought him.

I have nothing against your service...but veterans think that because they're veterans they have a god given right to tell us what's right. I'll even tell that to my own makes no difference. Congress bought you or my dad and cousins anything...the tax payers did.
on Aug 20, 2004

Thankfully, we have brave VOLUNTEERS who are willing to put their lives on the line so that people like you (and me) can sit idly by and nitpick foreign policy decisions.

Hey Draginol stick to your tech articles and let the grownups have a discussion. Please read all the comments before you say something rhetorical, oops...too late. By the way, it never hurts to actually have YOUR own thoughts, rather than borrowing one from someone else.

thank you.
on Aug 20, 2004
Hey Draginol stick to your tech articles and let the grownups have a discussion. Please read all the comments before you say something rhetorical, oops...too late. By the way, it never hurts to actually have YOUR own thoughts, rather than borrowing one from someone else.

Ignore this guy Draginol.

Even after calming myself down and putting an olive branch out to this guy, to have a civil discssion, he still wants to slap at people. He says "let the grownups discus" but the interesting thing is that I have always thought that he was a kid. His saying that he isn't above was the first sign to me that he was older.

It's too bad he thinks some people can't have the same thought. If he checked both of our posts correcting his statement he would notice they are less then two minutes difference. I am sure there are many things we both disagree with. Just don't let his actions keep you from participating on this forum.
on Aug 20, 2004
"As for Bush being a HERO, why not make Hitler, Stalin, Edi Amin, Noriega, Arafat hero's also. Why stop with one MORON, let's include them all."

'nuff said. Asinine banter from comfortable people with just enough insight on current events to speak out and show their ignorance. Medicocrity, indeed.

on Aug 20, 2004
Congress bought you or my dad and cousins anything...the tax payers did.

The tax payers payed for it, but it was Congress who bought the body armor that protecting his life. (Ooops, Except for Kerry and Kennedy)

Bought: 1. to acquire the possession of, or right to, by paying or promising to pay an equivalent, esp. in money; purchase.

Pay: 1. to satify (a demand or obligation) by giving over money or the like, as in a business transaction: to pay the rent.

The Random House Collage Dictionary, Revised Edition., Copyright 1982
on Aug 20, 2004
Bakerstreet it is fine if you debate the ideas of a person. But to start slandering others is not called for.
on Aug 20, 2004
1. General Tommy Franks was "made by this phony war".
Wrong as anyone who has ever served with Gen Franks knows, He is a success because of who and what he is. Thos of us who have met him would probably be inclined to deck you for making him out to be a political leech like wesley Clarke.


Just an observation, but I think you potentially weaken your argument when you attack one of your own, as you did with Clarke. I may be wrong, and have seen none of the records, but I have much respect for all men in uniform until/unless they prove otherwise (both Tommy Franks AND Wesley Clarke). The politics of this time aside, they did serve, and honorably, and that should not be taken from them.
on Aug 20, 2004

Hey Draginol stick to your tech articles and let the grownups have a discussion. Please read all the comments before you say something rhetorical, oops...too late. By the way, it never hurts to actually have YOUR own thoughts, rather than borrowing one from someone else.

.  I've read your claptrap.  I suggest you read my articles, I'll put my political knowledge up against yours any day.  Let's see, I'm in Time magazine this week (page 21) due to my political research and...well you're not.

But hey, go ahead and insult the guy who lets you have a blog in the first place. Show everyone how intelligent that is..

on Aug 20, 2004
" Bakerstreet it is fine if you debate the ideas of a person. But to start slandering others is not called for. "

Sandy2: Considering a great deal of what you, yourself, say about Bush is totally untrue, I think you should see to your own sins.
on Aug 20, 2004

Even after calming myself down and putting an olive branch out to this guy, to have a civil discssion, he still wants to slap at people. He says "let the grownups discus" but the interesting thing is that I have always thought that he was a kid. His saying that he isn't above was the first sign to me that he was older.

If I'm so bad why even comment at all? Just let me live in my own little fantasy world, even if I was 12 or 65 would it really make a difference? I mean you chose to comment on my thoughts, I'm not telling you to stay away...but hey I've taken some slams and I'm not crying about it, especially when it's about politics.

The tax payers payed for it, but it was Congress who bought the body armor that protecting his life. (Ooops, Except for Kerry and Kennedy)Bought: 1. to acquire the possession of, or right to, by paying or promising to pay an equivalent, esp. in money; purchase.Pay: 1. to satify (a demand or obligation) by giving over money or the like, as in a business transaction: to pay the rent.

What exactly is your point here? I mean are you that petty that you must be right in at least one point? I think you're making this personal. Fine the tax payers paid congress to buy the body armor.
on Aug 20, 2004

'nuff said. Asinine banter from comfortable people with just enough insight on current events to speak out and show their ignorance. Medicocrity, indeed.

Thank you for your views on the Bush Regime, it's appreciated!
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