So I wake up, feeling a little guilty about not being able to put up any articles for a couple of know work calls...So last night I finally get back into town, after a bout with jet lag, and a gazillion phone messages; I was able to comment on the comments from my previous articles. You know it wasen't a pretty picture. Sometimes the irony of such things is able to make one's stomach turn for the worst, and no, it wasn't from eating at Jack in the Box either. Such strong display...
I must say today I will deviate from my usual ramblings and dedicate a morning to the Olympic Games. The games bring all the nations under one banner, so goodwill can be extended to all and political ambitions can be put on hold for just a minute. Oh hold on: Was that Puerto Rico beating the stuffing out of the United States basketball team? Okay, forget what I said, the political ramifications are HUGE. Now everyone will think they have a chance against the U.S. basketball team. In r...
So I wake up, with a steaming cup of joe, and I check my blog site, and voila! I'm being hammered by most everyone who commented on one of my articles. It's not that I'm being slammed, it's just that most of the people slamming me have their facts wrong they end up sounding like someone who's on the who's who of mental illness. Once again let me state for the record that these are SOLEY my opinions, and based on that others are encouraged to comment. It's pretty much a free forum, it can get...
Okay it's Friday. I got to wake to "Gay marriages nullified". Look I have nothing against Homosexuals and what they do in the privacy in their homes, but come on! How long is this battle going to last. Before it was legal in (I won't name which state, to protect the innocent) to have two Gay people tie the knot; now it isn't. This is what the Homosexuals and the Lesbians have been waiting for: A forum, a big one at that, to martyr themselves on national television. Like I said I have n...
Today, today. Well folks it's Thursday...I sit here typing, I just got done replying to some people about yesterday's blog. I must say I thought I would run into some mindless ramblings, but to my surprise there are some intelligent people out there, if not a little naive. We live in a world of lies, we grow up on the principle that "What we don't know, won't hurt us." We as Americans deserve the truth right? If America is so great, why does the U.S. government use it's own people as paw...
Once again our gracious government has issued that "Terrorist's may strike America at any time now", threat level "Paranoid" has just moved up to threat level "Too much Propaganda". As an American I really would like to know if the "Homeland Defense Circus Team" has really thought this out. There's orange, red, yellow, and so on. Next thing you know our leaders will be painting the threat levels in a paint by numbers book, and having the Christian Coalition handing them out on Saturday mor...
When I wake up in the morning, I know what I have to do: Let the dog out, make coffee, turn CNN on. Let's see if I was a leader in charge of a country...I must say I would be lost, only because I don't have the experience or the know how. Now the people in charge of the United States, mainly George Bush Jr. is in power, perhaps he is the most powerful man in the world; but being the most powerful man in the world dosen't make you the "Smartest" man in the world, does it? Yes I know that...
It has been months since the now-infamous photographs from Abu Ghraib revealed that American soldiers tortured Iraqi prisoners-yet the Bush administration has failed to get to the bottom of the abuses. "There are some serious unanswered questions," says Sen. Susan Collins, a Republican on the Armed Services Committee. The Pentagon is stalling on several investigations, and congressional inquiries have ground to a halt. The footdragging is astonishing, given that Congress has access to clas...
So here I am sitting on the hard cement, looking at this beautiful and majestic structure called a hotel. The hotel is one of those that belong to a nation widechain that caters to the wealthy. I really cannot believe the prices of the rooms are as much as a plane ticket to Paris, France. Inflation is to blame right? ONCE AGAIN the hike in price is attributed to the "Conflict" in Iraq that is causing an upswing in prices including: Gas, food, oil; etc. I went in and asked the hotel ma...
I got the idea to write from the exposure of "Blogs". The media seemed enamoured with them. If people are reading blogs, then good chance maybe someone would read my Moronic views. So here I am! I'm not talented like other blog writers, or graduated from Harvard. I'm rather uneducated, and is prone to ramblings. Futhermore my wanna be political views are rather twisted and not in accordance to the status quo. I just want a platform that I can rant and rave from. I'm just someone who w...