The sky is falling
Published on August 11, 2004 By MichaelProteus In Politics
Once again our gracious government has issued that "Terrorist's may strike America at any time now", threat level "Paranoid" has just moved up to threat level "Too much Propaganda". As an American I really would like to know if the "Homeland Defense Circus Team" has really thought this out. There's orange, red, yellow, and so on. Next thing you know our leaders will be painting the threat levels in a paint by numbers book, and having the Christian Coalition handing them out on Saturday mornings at six a.m. I mean really people, I think the bulk of the damage has been done on 9/11, why must our government make everyone paranoid. As I write this I think back to the Mcarthy era, where anyone could be a "Communist", and was one if they said one little negative thing about the U.S. government.

I just want you all to remember that our talented government had all the information about who was coming and going prior to the 9/11 attacks, in fact the F.B.I. sent the C.I.A. a memo stating that "Persons on the Terrorist watch list" had entered the United States. Unfortunately for the families of the 9/11 attacks, our government either ignored the warnings, underestimated the resolve of the terrorists, or let it happen. I believe the latter happened, the 9/11 attack was the catalyst in which the U.S. could use to go into Iraq. Once again, I would like to remind you that Saddam Hussein had nothing to do with the attacks on the twin towers. Everyone who died on 9/11 were expendible, for the greater cause of the United States and its quest for world domination--or a New World Order.

So I watch the nightly news and I see Bush Jr. and then I see Mr. Kerry: What a choice we Americans have! So it comes down to the lesser of the two evils, some choice. Of course there will be independents running, but come on...most of these guys are still in the stages of setting up their Grassroots campaign. Oh, as I shake my head in disgust I wonder why I complain, when I could be trying to make a difference. It seems that my lackluster attempts at acting like a citizen are not forthcoming, therefore I can only consider myself a resident of the United States. Sure I'll vote, but really people, do our votes really count? With the fiasco in Florida, it makes it seem like the president has already been picked. How long will this go on? Who knows, but I can tell you this: nothing last's forever.

As I close today, I look outside and see the sun shining brightly, I wonder if the American people are aware that they are being led into storm of great proportions. I'm hoping that some of "You" the Citizens, will wake up and see bright shining truth...that the United States is founded on lies, slave trade, opium trade, and piracy. We indeed live in a "Free" world, unfortunately "Free" has a different meaning to our leaders.

Comments (Page 4)
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on Aug 16, 2004

think we need to cut our oil use. We are dependant of countries like Saudi Arabia and Iraq and thats how we get into shit like this. We should offer big incentives to companies developing hydrogen powered cars. The only reason we still have gas powered cars everywhere is because of rich oil companies calling the shots

You forget that America also has reserves and the Alaskan pipe line. I wish we as a nation we were not so dependent on oil, but the fact is not only are people in the Middle East getting rich, but oil companies in America are getting rich to. To make those cars would drive these people out of business, unfortunately I have a feeling that the greed of a few will prevent that from happening for a while. I totally agree with you.
on Aug 16, 2004

Are you suggesting a utopia? Actually, I think our current system has all those things you want (careful about wanting too much Capitalism, as that is what got you started on this whole thread to begin with)--the problem is that our system is too easy to corrupt and manipulate

Utopia, no. But something more tangible in regards to a central government that looks out for its citizens, and not using them as pawns. We can never escape Capitalism, Capitalism in itself is not bad, but in excess of one thing is. You're right, our system is corrupt and being manipulated everyday...and the average citizen usually gets the shaft. Like I said, a little bit of of those three things...and maybe or maybe not. Who knows, but I do know this...our current system is not working.
on Aug 18, 2004
You're right, our system is corrupt and being manipulated everyday...and the average citizen usually gets the shaft.

This is so screwy, Michael. It's the average citizen who gets the opportunity. Any government which provides for all my needs will make sure I don't exceed my fair share, guaranteed. Defined by someone else, guaranteed. Meaning opportunity will be denied. It's not possible to have it both ways. The opportunity to succeed cannot be divorced from the risk of failure. Should we have some sort of safety net so our most disadvantaged or unfortunate don't suffer needlessly? Absolutely, and we have one. It's just not 100% controlled and manipulated by a central government, it's a roiling stew of thousands of private and public agencies that exist thanks to the generosity of individuals and the wisdom of our elected representatives. You are so "glass half empty." Relentlessly. I'm hard pressed to find anything positive about America in your writing. With all it's faults, and I readily admit there are many, there is nowhere else I would want to go and no other political system to which I would wish to be subject. OK... Australia, maybe (no offense, Mugazz!).

on Aug 18, 2004
Or how about the United States dropping an Atomic bomb on Hiroshima? The U.S. did not drop it on any military installations, they dropped it on an entire city. Say what you will, but when you kill innocent people on PURPOSE it's not COLLATERAL damage it's TERRORISM.

You do realize why we did that, don't you? Or are you just using it as propoganda? Since, if you knew anything about American tactics in the 2nd World War, you would have realized how many millions of Japanese soldiers and civilian Japanese would have died? How many American soldiers would have perished in the attack to take the Japanese capital? Seeing, as, that the Japanese fought to the death.... all of them? Civilians... Soldiers... everyone? Invading would have been next to exterminating the ENTIRE Japanese culture and people.

You don't see the Israeli's killing one another do you

I'm sure there are plenty of native Israelites fighting for Palistine.... And vice versa. Generalizations tend to be a bad thing.

Really, honestly, these other countries that have all these better things.... are they better countries? How can you make a comparison like that? Maybe you should make a list. It probably would only have seven to eight hundred points to compare... Better start now.

EDIT: Interesting name, Proteus. Acording to my Roman and Greek mythology, Proteus was a god that could change his shape at will... I think. Does this name represent an everchanging person, or a person hiding behind the disguise of something else? Are you Proteus?

on Aug 18, 2004
OK... Australia, maybe (no offense, Mugazz!).

None taken Daiwa

Michael - I find your stance very admirable, and I hate to show a defeatist attitude here, but the things you are saying should happen, never will. The best you can hope for as a person is live to your personal ideals. I think I have told you before, It's good to know there are people like you in America who aren't blindly led, but you have to acknowledge, the right aren't a bunch of imbeciles, they are all quite clever and adapt at getting what they want...

The only way America is going to change is a big fucking flood, earthquake, something catastrophic, and I can see the current climate in America pains you greatly, I can see you love you country, and you are somewhat ashamed, dont be ashamed though, just be the best person you can be, lead by example, and you never know, as long as you reach at least one person, you have done alright.


on Aug 19, 2004
Muggaz - [Sorry for the previous typo on your name. ]

9/11 was catastrophic enough for me, thank you very much. Please don't wish any more upon us.

But I like your approach to discourse and I think we could happily agree to disagree & hoist a beer together.

on Aug 19, 2004

This is so screwy, Michael. It's the average citizen who gets the opportunity. Any government which provides for all my needs will make sure I don't exceed my fair share, guaranteed. Defined by someone else, guaranteed. Meaning opportunity will be denied. It's not possible to have it both ways. The opportunity to succeed cannot be divorced from the risk of failure. Should we have some sort of safety net so our most disadvantaged or unfortunate don't suffer needlessly? Absolutely, and we have one. It's just not 100% controlled and manipulated by a central government, it's a roiling stew of thousands of private and public agencies that exist thanks to the generosity of individuals and the wisdom of our elected representatives. You are so "glass half empty." Relentlessly. I'm hard pressed to find anything positive about America in your writing. With all it's faults, and I readily admit there are many, there is nowhere else I would want to go and no other political system to which I would wish to be subject. OK... Australia, maybe (no offense, Mugazz!).

Really screwy huh....lets see yes you are correct, in the fact everyone has the opportunity...wait a minute that was until like the 70's when the blacks were allowed where the whites were. So from the 70's on, right? What I am bashing is our role in the Middle East, and lunatics that run this country. You know you really don't have to comment if my ramblings are "Screwy", wouldn't want you to waste your breath, when it could be put to use somewhere else.
on Aug 19, 2004

Actually, that statement alone proves to me that you are quite insane. If he exists? Puh-lease.

So I'm insane, and you're point is?
If youd ever bother to read my blogs youd know damn well i dont jump on anyones "bandwagon," im too busy conducting my own....come take a little ride on it some day. I dont know what im saying because i think youre little more than a ruffled and regurgitating parrot of the "we hate america" left? Oui Oui, mon frere, tis tres chic these days to spit on the Giant...just be careful you dont get stomped to a gelatinous goo in the process.To quote one of my favorite lines from 'sophies choice'....."Your intelligence is pulp."

So what you're doing is advertising your blog? I've read enough of your comments to know that your blog would probably be the same...assinine, moronic, and idiotic. I don't hate America. Well i'll have to watch out for the big bad illuminati. My intelligence is pulp, hopefully you'll add water put, in a fancy looking container and sell in the supermarkets. Don't get mad, it's not worth it. While you waste your time commenting on my could be doing something else.
on Aug 19, 2004

You do realize why we did that, don't you? Or are you just using it as propoganda? Since, if you knew anything about American tactics in the 2nd World War, you would have realized how many millions of Japanese soldiers and civilian Japanese would have died? How many American soldiers would have perished in the attack to take the Japanese capital? Seeing, as, that the Japanese fought to the death.... all of them? Civilians... Soldiers... everyone? Invading would have been next to exterminating the ENTIRE Japanese culture and people.

Yawn, so why don't we just an atomic bomb on Iraq, Iran, China, the Soviet Union, the drug lords in Columbia, the Mexican government who refuse to turn over murderers over to the United States, Puerto Rico for beating the U.S. in basketball, North Korea because they obviously have WMD, California for electing the terminator as governor, Hell lets just bomb everyone so in the future so the U.S. can save some time. Violence is the solution to all.

I'm sure there are plenty of native Israelites fighting for Palistine.... And vice versa. Generalizations tend to be a bad thing.Really, honestly, these other countries that have all these better things.... are they better countries? How can you make a comparison like that? Maybe you should make a list. It probably would only have seven to eight hundred points to compare... Better start now.EDIT: Interesting name, Proteus. Acording to my Roman and Greek mythology, Proteus was a god that could change his shape at will... I think. Does this name represent an everchanging person, or a person hiding behind the disguise of something else? Are you Proteus?

So what exactly is your point in all this? Do you have one? I mean you've taken up a lot of space, but have said next to nothing. By the way the name is just a name, read what you want into it.
on Aug 19, 2004

He doesnt come off as very loving to me...and anyone "ashamed" to be an american should be sent packing. For every negative that he names, thousands of positives ones perfect, and while bitching about our country is a uniquely american passtime (and a right) someone who doubts the very existance of Osama Bin Laden is in need of some heavy medication

Little_ Whip do me a favor and zip it for a minute....I really could care less about you or your absurd opinions, but to be fair I said I would comment on comments. I'm not "Ashamed" to be an American...I've got a great job, America's given me everything I've ever wanted...but it is my duty not to sit here blind, these are my opinions...I'm allowed to do that. If that's the case about packing, I'd really like to see you try and do that, you don't make the rules and neither do I, but I never said anyone who agreed with our government should be sent away. Oh I could be content and forget that others are in worse shape than me, and live my life: I choose not to. You don't know me, try not to generalize who I am because of my views on the government.

Read two of my blogs and call me in the morning.
on Aug 21, 2004
I don't know where you are from Proteus, but I feel sorry for whatever region could produce such a jaded view of our country. I am currently overseas as a result of the 9/11 attacks, and I can honestly say I do not believe that our government stood by and let these terrible events occur. I would bet money you were among the first to see Micheal Moore's "Fahrenheit 9/11", and you're just trying to ride on that fat slob's coattails. However I don't fault you too much, being popular is very important to some people. I look forward to your no doubt "colorful" response. Oh, and don't forget to offer another piece of fried chicken up to your shrine of Micheal Moore.
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