Barnum and Bailey running the country
Published on August 12, 2004 By MichaelProteus In Politics
Today, today. Well folks it's Thursday...I sit here typing, I just got done replying to some people about yesterday's blog. I must say I thought I would run into some mindless ramblings, but to my surprise there are some intelligent people out there, if not a little naive. We live in a world of lies, we grow up on the principle that "What we don't know, won't hurt us." We as Americans deserve the truth right? If America is so great, why does the U.S. government use it's own people as pawns in a sick global game?

We are still in the Dark ages, we use real people kill others over material things (Oil, land, fuel, etc.). Is there any chance that we could give peace a chance? Or has the ball that the U.S. has rolling out of control? Who of you out there is ready to take a life? I mean really ready, to look into someone's eyes and see the light extinguished. Killing begets killing and those who live by the sword, will ultimately die by the sword.

In my opinion, the U.S. needs to pull out of Iraq today. We cannot police the entire world, the U.S. can't even police itself. Too many people are dying, stop the madness, how many grieving families is it going to take? How many brothers? How many sisters? How many fathers? How many mothers? HOW MANY PEOPLE MUST DIE BEFORE BUSH'S WAR MACHINE HAS HAD ENOUGH?! Tell me what we have accomplished?

Deep in my heart I feel for the families who have lost a loved one in Iraq, people wake up, our government does not care about us, it cares about its Elite. The U.S., the greatest nation in the world, remember that's what they said about Rome.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Aug 12, 2004

Is there any chance that we could give peace a chance?

     yes I am sure the Kurds would have loved for us to give peace another chance so Saddam could have whacked the remainder of their population. Nice to see non-interventionism is alive and well out there. I hope that the same attitude applies when you or someone you love needs help from the cops against a criminal taking advantage of them too.

on Aug 13, 2004

Is there any chance that we could give peace a chance? yes I am sure the Kurds would have loved for us to give peace another chance so Saddam could have whacked the remainder of their population. Nice to see non-interventionism is alive and well out there. I hope that the same attitude applies when you or someone you love needs help from the cops against a criminal taking advantage of them too.

Well Greywar let me tell ya...the "Criminals" are taking advantage of you and me and many others in the United States. How well lets see, the U.S. troops are fighting a useless war in Iraq, you and I are funding this war with our tax dollars, oh and by the way we'll be shelling out more dough, because interest rates are set to go up. So don't preach to me, and don't go there by bringing my family members into family has fought in every major conflict from the Revolution, through the World Wars, even now I've got two cousins, and my father serving in Iraq...The "Criminals" have already already taken advantage of this family. Next time take your Neo-Republican views and shove it.
on Aug 13, 2004
"Who of you out there is ready to take a life?"

Well, for starters, I can think of 11 misguided nut cases who boarded & commandeered 4 commercial jets on a sunny Tuesday morning in September 3 years ago.

You can preach to us all you want, Michael - until those lunatics are prepared to listen, it's wasted effort. If you wish to feel good about yourself and blow kisses at them as they blow you up, so be it. I'd personally prefer we made life a bit more difficult for them. And despite all the Bush-hating doggerel out there, what we've done in Afghanistan & Iraq has made things more difficult for them. At a terrible price, no question, but the lesson of 9/11, if you just open your eyes to it, is that they will stop at nothing, I repeat, nothing. No loss of infidels is too great for them, and no loss among their own ranks is sufficient to awaken them to their folly. If they had a nuke, they'd use it in a heartbeat. Not to save the precious lives of their own soldiers fighting in defense of their country or way of life (don't even go there - the use of nukes on Japan is in no way, shape or form comparable to what Al Quaida would love to do), but to kill for the sake of killing. To paraphrase a certain former President, they'd do it just because they could. They have no regard whatsoever for the very thing you and any decent human being wants to preserve - precious human life. All I can say is thank goodness for the BUSH WAR MACHINE (your phrase).

And please refrain from telling folks to take anything and shove it. Poor manners. You invited them to reply, after all.

on Aug 14, 2004
Michael -

I just spotted the bit about your father serving in Iraq. Somehow the "shove it" business distracted my eye. I can understand how Greywar may have gotten under your skin a bit.

However much I may disagree with you here, I sincerely extend my gratitude to your family for the sacrifices made on our behalf. People like your father and cousins have a lot to do with making sure it's possible for us to have discussions such as this. And the struggles of their families to manage in their absence are no less a part of that sacrifice. While I expect you may have some differences of opinion with your father on some of these issues, may you always respect him for his service. I am sorry that you feel your family has been taken advantage of, an emotion understandable enough in the circumstances. May time prove the sacrifices made by your family were not made in vain.

on Aug 14, 2004
This is a good post... like Greywar said...

Nice to see non-interventionism is alive and well out there

I dont think pulling out of Iraq is an option though... the power vacumn will be horific for the general public. I think the US ball of world police force is on a long run, but it can be halted. US citizens are the only one who can halt the ball, but as long as their are terrorists like Osama bin Laden in the world, the American public has a right to feel afraid, I mean, the govenrment does it all can to maintain that fear, but organisations like Al-Quada do not give up, and as they live by the sword, they too must die by the sword.

The fundamental problems with interventionalist tactics all lie with American interests, I dont know why they go under the pretense of World Peace, because essentially, by doing the 'right thing' they are only creating new generations of hatred. Coutries like Saudi Arabia have exorbidant ammounts of radical opinions inspired by clerics, yet business is still conducted with the figureheads of said nation...

It all comes down to the dollar I suppose... Oh well, take solace in the fact that there are some people who understand.


on Aug 16, 2004

Well, for starters, I can think of 11 misguided nut cases who boarded & commandeered 4 commercial jets on a sunny Tuesday morning in September 3 years ago.

"Misguided"? No, not really. See the September 11 attacks are the culmination of everything the U.S. has been doing over the years. Please do not get me wrong, there is NO WAY I agree or even begin to understand the actions taken by those who took so many lives that day. You have to realize that the United States brought this onto itself. What about the 52 misguided nut cases who voted to go to war in Iraq, without the approval from the U.N.? What about the 1 misguided nut who said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction? And there were none. 9/11 is a very sore subject for us because "They" hit us, like we hit other countries, with no warning and making a BIG statement. I have an open mind, I really do. But I cannot stand the whining of people saying, "Look what they did to us on 9/11!", they make it sound like an unprovoked attack. We are lucky that's all that happened. Just from 9/11 to today, with our involvement in Iraq, how many more Americans must die? What point are we trying to make? More soldiers have died now at the "End of Hostilities", rather than the initial invasion; what's up?

don't even go there - the use of nukes on Japan is in no way, shape or form comparable to what Al Quaida would love to do), but to kill for the sake of killing

You have your opinion and I have mine, I feel that there is no difference. Just because you "Vote" to take lives does not mean it is right. America brought Pearl Harbor on themselves. America wasen't even in the war, and yet they cut off Japan's oil supply. America was asking to brought into to the war. The mighty American industry at that time was on a roll, you do know that American companies were selling scrap metal, supplies, weapons, etc; to both the Allies and Axis? In essence Allied soldiers were being killed by American imports. Your right, the use of the A-bomb on Japan is in no way, shape or form comparable to what Al Qaeda would love to do, it's far worse...we have a government who would vote unanimously to take the lives of over a million innocent people, and a nation that would sell anything to the highest bidder.
on Aug 16, 2004
Speaking of Naivete, Hello Michael!
Nice to know that you can call some of the people who left comments on your blog yesteday "intelligent", please talk down to us lowly ignoramus' some more..
It's your blog but you may want to read your own blog to see that it smacks of elitism when you write that way and probably encourages folks to respond in a more
visceral manner than you would like.
I can agree with you onyour opinion that "the government does not care for us" with a qualification. The Gov. does not care for us as individuals but as a whole.
think Spock on the needs of the many vs the needs of the few. That said I don't feel like I am a tool for the government, I am but a cog in the machine.

Overall our government does a much better job of protecting it's citizens and their rights than almost anywhere you could name, and that is the primary purpose of our government. read the Constitution for a better "Intelligent" view.
on Aug 16, 2004
SSG Geezer,

Overall our government does a much better job of protecting it's citizens and their rights than almost anywhere you could name, and that is the primary purpose of our government. read the Constitution for a better "Intelligent" view.

Well if the way I write smacks of Elitism then thats your problem. Regarding your "Constitution" comment, sir you are sadly mistaken. Did you know in the last forty years congress has tried to amend the constitution, and just do away with it entirely. The Federal Reserve cannot be owned by a private entity: but it's owned by FIVE private banks. None federal. Naive? You say, surely you jest. Perhaps you need a refresher course.
on Aug 16, 2004

After reading your post of this morning, I'm for the first time in a long time almost at a loss for words. I simply can't agree with your distorted view of history. Saying, in effect, that we "got what we deserved" @ Pearl Harbor & on 9/11 is baffling at best. You have every right to express your opinions - they just happen to be not just wrong but flat out bizarre.

on Aug 16, 2004

After reading your post of this morning, I'm for the first time in a long time almost at a loss for words. I simply can't agree with your distorted view of history. Saying, in effect, that we "got what we deserved" @ Pearl Harbor & on 9/11 is baffling at best. You have every right to express your opinions - they just happen to be not just wrong but flat out bizarre.

If you were to ask the Japanese people who were alive at that time if my comments are flat out bizarre, you'd probably get laughed at. You're looking at it from an American view, not a world view. I'm sorry you feel that way, but American history has a way of letting America be the good guys in you know the real truth behind Pearl Harbor? If not, I wouldn't be going around being soo snobbish, ignorance can kill. You have no idea what America has done. "got what we deserved"...was meaning when you interfere in world events that have nothing to do with you...and you state "We're not officially in the war", and you cut off Japan's oil supply with a fleet of battleships...what exactly is that doing? Was that just a goodwill sign, or was that an invitation to Japan to attack? Why did American companies like the Rockafellers sell to America, Germany, Japan, Italy, and virtually anyone who asked? Read not the American history books, but the world books. Propaganda works in many ways, you are just another victim.
on Aug 16, 2004
Well, gosh, Mike. If we all looked at things through the weird prism you're using, we'd all be speaking Japanese or German. What Japan and Germany intended to do counts. You can't selectively revise history & simply pretend that if we had stayed in our shell, left everyone else alone & just been nice, all would have been well. The policy to deprive Japan of cheap oil was not unwise, given what they were up to in China & elsewhere before Pearl Harbor. Whether you like it or not, the Japanese attacked - that's the real truth of Pearl Harbor. The other distinction between the U.S. & other countries engaged in "world events that have nothing to do with" us, to which you appear to be totally blind, is our political motivation, meaning our international ambitions. Japan & Germany were intent on subjugating all nations they claimed the right of dominance over, and annihilating an entire race in the case of Germany. The U.S. has never had the imperial ambitions so many ascribe to us. Present-day Japan and Germany are irrefutable evidence of the difference in intent. You've decided that the U.S. is simply evil and you interpret everything through that light. You have no claim to objectivity, whatsoever. Calling me a snob & suggesting I'm uninformed and a victim is a grade school move & undermines any of the crazy arguments you've made here. Your family members have no doubt served the nation honorably in the cause of preserving your right to be wrong, which you are. Fortunately, us victims are free to decide for ourselves.

on Aug 16, 2004
Tell me what we have accomplished?

If you have a dad and two cousins over there, they should be able to tell you what the media doesn't seem to be able to say. There is major reconstruction going on, schools opening, hospitals improving, businesses restarting. And even though I don't think we should've gone there in the first place, pulling out now would undo what is being done.

on Aug 17, 2004

Well, gosh, Mike. If we all looked at things through the weird prism you're using, we'd all be speaking Japanese or German. What Japan and Germany intended to do counts. You can't selectively revise history & simply pretend that if we had stayed in our shell, left everyone else alone & just been nice, all would have been well. The policy to deprive Japan of cheap oil was not unwise, given what they were up to in China & elsewhere before Pearl Harbor. Whether you like it or not, the Japanese attacked - that's the real truth of Pearl Harbor. The other distinction between the U.S. & other countries engaged in "world events that have nothing to do with" us, to which you appear to be totally blind, is our political motivation, meaning our international ambitions. Japan & Germany were intent on subjugating all nations they claimed the right of dominance over, and annihilating an entire race in the case of Germany. The U.S. has never had the imperial ambitions so many ascribe to us. Present-day Japan and Germany are irrefutable evidence of the difference in intent. You've decided that the U.S. is simply evil and you interpret everything through that light. You have no claim to objectivity, whatsoever. Calling me a snob & suggesting I'm uninformed and a victim is a grade school move & undermines any of the crazy arguments you've made here. Your family members have no doubt served the nation honorably in the cause of preserving your right to be wrong, which you are. Fortunately, us victims are free to decide for ourselves.

Well sorry to burst your bubble...but in America we do speak Japanese and German and an assortment of other languages. To quell your seem to think that the Axis were going to be able to take over the entire world. First off Hitler over extended himself fighting in the European theatre, I know, what do I know. But the assumptions you've made, are that merely assumptions...No you are wrong, in your ideals and train of thought. Yea, the Japanese attacked for good reason...we would have done the same thing, you're a liar if you say we wouldn't have. And that nonsense about International Ambition, that's a bunch of garbage. Ask the Japanese citizens who fought for the Americans what their thoughts were, when they found out that their families were put in internment camps. I'm waiting for your answer, no doubt you'll probably say that never happened. That the U.S. were protecting it's International Ambition. What about the companies in the states that sold supplies to Japan, Germany, Britain, italy, etc. Oh yea I forgot, International ambition. Oh depriving Japan of oil was not unwise? What planet are you from...that's what started Pearl Harbor, tell that to the people that were killed that day in Pearl Harbor. I've read your comments and you talk tongue in cheek, one moment i'm this, the next i'm that...make up your mind which it is. Lastly, I've made no arguments, these are my's funny you should use that word, it seems to a lot of other people, it is you looking to argue. Remember it is your choice to comment, if you don't like the content you don't have to read it...yes my family gave you that right too.
on Aug 17, 2004

If you have a dad and two cousins over there, they should be able to tell you what the media doesn't seem to be able to say. There is major reconstruction going on, schools opening, hospitals improving, businesses restarting. And even though I don't think we should've gone there in the first place, pulling out now would undo what is being done

Did you ever think not all countries want to be like the United States? That countries have been doing fine without the European and American occupation. Pulling out would save lives, how are you going to run a business when a car-bomb goes off every other day, when people are shooting at each other, when troops are in the street. Remember, we're not even supposed to be there.
on Aug 17, 2004
Bubble's quite intact, thank you. Time to pick another wall to bang my head against, it appears.

Good luck to you.

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