Inferior Men, Make Inferior Leaders
Published on August 10, 2004 By MichaelProteus In Politics
When I wake up in the morning, I know what I have to do: Let the dog out, make coffee, turn CNN on. Let's see if I was a leader in charge of a country...I must say I would be lost, only because I don't have the experience or the know how. Now the people in charge of the United States, mainly George Bush Jr. is in power, perhaps he is the most powerful man in the world; but being the most powerful man in the world dosen't make you the "Smartest" man in the world, does it?

Yes I know that running a country is no easy task, I know that you've got to think for the majority of the people and not the minority. Well Bush Jr. is doing just that, looking out for the handful of people who think they are the elite. What makes a person elite? Is it the amount of money one pulls in yearly, or is who one knows? Maybe all the above? One thing is for sure, I do not belong in that category and probably never I mad? No not really, I have my own problems. I really don't need to any other difficulties at this time.

So our "Elected" (I use that word loosely) president is turning up the heat right before election time, no? The heat has been turned up to "Full". Just today Allan Greenspan of the Federal Reserve said that interest rates may go up. Hold on here, just wait a minute! Who are these people to decide what the interest rate should be? I mean first of all in the Constitution, it clearly states that the Federal Reserve cannot be owned by a private entity. Then how come the Federal Reserve is jointly owned by five private banks? Oh they didn't tell you? There are a lot of things the people in charge don't tell for example the dollar must be backed by gold or silver, seriously people U.S. currency is backed by nothing but empty promises. How is it that the American public has to pay interest on worthless paper currency, that has nothing backing it except promises made by a pirate and dictator. I know, I know, people say; "Well you can't do anything without money". Really? I guess the Native Americans, the African Tribes, and the people of Tibet; just died because they had no U.S. currency. PLEASE! Money is just another vice. The American soldiers in Iraq risk their mortality for worthless paper...I really hope that Bush Jr is proud of himself!

Then there is Allan Greenspan...You talk about worthless...this a man who's got no morals whatsoever, this is a true criminal of the American people. Tax hikes, interest rate hikes, next thing you know he'll be taxing the air we all breathe. Oh wait he already did that, and we call Saddam Hussein a terrible man. Greenspan in nothing more than a vampire that walks around in the day. Sure Hussein did some outrageous things, but come on people...we're supposed to believe he had something to do with 9/11? The evidence shows he had nothing to do with it. Our country has turned into a global good ole' boys club, believe or no the alleged master mind behind the 9/11 attacks Osama Bin Laden has ties to the Bush family. Yea, you're right I'm making this all up. Here let me make something else up, when Hinkley Jr. shot Ronald Reagan, guess who was over at the Bush ranch; you don't know? Hinkley's brother was there having a great time while his brother was gunning down Reagan. The Bush family and The Hinkley's are friends... look it up on the internet.

People we live in world where our esteemed leaders let us see only what they want us to see, there are undercurrents of criminal activity in highest places in the government. We as citizens reap no rewards, we only get to serve our masters for a lifetime. I'd rather live in poverty than to bend to their will. I will always have my own thoughts, I will never agree with the status quo, I am my own entity. Bush and Greenspan can go to hell, and take their paper money and the idiotic war with them. People we live in a world of oxymorons, say goodbye to freedom...we really never had it to begin with.

on Aug 10, 2004
If you really think paper money is worthless, I'll be happy to take some of your worthless paper off your hands.
on Aug 11, 2004
Sure! Give me your address and I'll send Alan Greenspan to give you all the paper money you want. If you are going to comment on something please be a little more insightful. By the way Madine, you must be a Republican.