Sometimes NoOne Can let the Little things Slide
Published on August 9, 2004 By MichaelProteus In Politics
So here I am sitting on the hard cement, looking at this beautiful and majestic structure called a hotel. The hotel is one of those that belong to a nation widechain that caters to the wealthy. I really cannot believe the prices of the rooms are as much as a plane ticket to Paris, France. Inflation is to blame right? ONCE AGAIN the hike in price is attributed to the "Conflict" in Iraq that is causing an upswing in prices including: Gas, food, oil; etc.

I went in and asked the hotel manager, "Why last year at this time, the price for a room was 33% lower?"
The manager had, "No idea", but stated: "Corporate notified us sometime in December 2003, that our rates would go up.", that's all the manager would elaborate on.

Once again I state for the record, that it is in my firm belief, that this war is nothing more than a money sucking vortex, set on the American people by those who have SWORN to look out for our best interests.

I really do not want to start sounding like William Cooper, those that know of him, know he is no longer with us. Though it is a fact that Mr. Cooper's book, "The Pale Horse", indeed states some things contrary to what our government has done and said. Are we really Free? At what age are we bombarded with ideas on "How we should act", "How we should look", "How we should think", "How we are to express religious freedom". I'll tell you at a very young age. Whatever happened to individual thinking? It is not a crime to be a non-conformist, and to be who we want to be, isn't that what our country was founded on? Come on people can we not see that little by little our freedoms are being taken away from us. For those of you who cannot see this, it is because you are used to it, if this is something you've only known--then it seems normal. Watch as the Upper Class gets richer and richer, while everyone else seems to be getting the shaft. Our government works only for the Upper White Class, because most of the time they are hand in hand; with no regard for the ones who they trample on a daily basis.

Contrary to popular belief, not all wars can be won with state of the art weapons, and political double-talk. When are the people of the United States going to WAKE UP! For years upon years, the American people have been used by the very entity that represents the ideals of Freedom. Instead the lower classes are made to be man-servants to the privileged, what system of government is this callled? We are just like cattle, the powers that be herd us yet into another war...guess who has got to pick up the tab? You got it! You and me! Sometimes knowing the truth is a lot more scary than being shot at.

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