Sometimes I just let the little things slide
Published on August 9, 2004 By MichaelProteus In Politics
I got the idea to write from the exposure of "Blogs". The media seemed enamoured with them. If people are reading blogs, then good chance maybe someone would read my Moronic views. So here I am! I'm not talented like other blog writers, or graduated from Harvard. I'm rather uneducated, and is prone to ramblings. Futhermore my wanna be political views are rather twisted and not in accordance to the status quo. I just want a platform that I can rant and rave from. I'm just someone who wants to be heard.
I accidently noticed that the "Conflict" in Iraq is still dominating the media. I thought that the United States handed power back over to the new interim government. How come the U.S. presence is still in Iraq? Has the United States really given control to the new government? Or is the new govenment in Iraq just another Capitalisitic Puppet of the United States? Though I don't know this for sure, but i'd put up all my money that Haliburton is just making a killing with huge contracts; hand delivered by Bush Jr. Like I said, i've got no evidence, so i'm just rambling.
Some say I'm unpatriotic, some say i'm spitting in the faces of all those servicemen over in Iraq. I am not! I'm commenting on the powers that be. I respect those who are put in harms way on a daily basis. Our leaders send our nations' sons and daughters to keep us safe, though in reality we have a better chance of being killed by a family member than getting blown up by a radical from Iraq.

on Aug 09, 2004

Welcome, read your blog don't worry you can rant and rave as much as you want.  Blogging is just expression of opinions and ideas. 

on Aug 09, 2004
Saying welcome, again. Please rant and rave as much as you want. I'll certainly be reading.